Project “Bridging the Gap between Education and Employment through Modernized Maritime VET School Curricula”
Maritime School of Bakar, together with Maritime School “Ambroza Haračića” in Mali Lošinj and Croatian Employers' Association, launched a 12-month project with the aim of developing new innovative features in maritime VET education and raising schools’ capacity for provision of practical, labour-market oriented education.
Project “Bridging the Gap between Education and Employment through Modernized Maritime VET School Curricula” was financially supported by the European Union under the Multi-Annual Operational Programme for Human Resources Development for Croatia, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (BGUE 04 06-HRD), grant scheme Modernisation of school curricula in VET schools in line with the changing needs of the labour market/economy (Europeaid131231/M/ACT/HR). The project took place in the period from September 22 2012 to September 21 2013. The project’s objective was to develop new innovative features in maritime VET education and raise schools’ capacity for provision of practical, labour-market oriented education. Specifically, the project would lead to increased human resource and material capacities at two maritime schools, enhanced student employability, development and testing of Learning Management System (LMS), development of online content for LMS, and improved communication with regional stakeholders in the maritime sector.
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